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Présentation de yaoi shojo-girl

Hello there, I hope I'll make here lots of friends that love Yaoi like me !!!

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Blog de yaoi shojo-girl

Blood like snow


Yey!I'm really happy with result (yeah, in real looks much better; I haven't idea how some people scaning, that their drawings look the same awesome like in real...)

Tools: pencil2H and watercolors.

Sketch of this




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Heichou WIP

Sorry for this ugly photo. I just made a sketch... I want continuing in traditional way (with ink and watercolors), but I scared, that I'll screw up it :c If thats happen, I'll do it digital...

uuuuu... Rivaille you're to awesome to be draw by me...:icontaigacraiplz:


Btw, thanks for :iconjeraa:, who give me (again!:la:) great music www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRfMwo…



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In the ocean of memories

Once a year I have great idea for title:D(but it consume all my "title energy", so whole next year almost all of my title are poor D: )

I said, that I'll draw it, and there is:D (even before end of anime xP)
I hope you will like it^^

Btw, 3 days ago I started watching Shingeki no KnK... now I watching all eps and read manga chapters (these, which are after current anime ep)... I won' t bore you, so is very probable that on next drawing you will see Rivaille!!!:iconblackheartplz::iconblackheartplz::iconblackheartplz::iconblackheartplz:

Nanase Haruka, Matsuoka Rin © Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club



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Just another one young delinquent with kid

Did you recognized?xD yeah, it's Rene when he was something around 4-5 and 14-15 years old Violent (not dr yet xD)
They grown up together. Rene was 12, when he fall in love in Violent, who in quick time feel the same for him, but he isn't pedophile, so didn't do anything, before he was in legal age. In meanwhile Violent finished study for PhD and create on of the most powerful mafia:D

Brushes used:wererats.deviantart.com/art/Sk… wererats.deviantart.com/art/Tr… wererats.deviantart.com/art/Ne…

Rene, dr Violent (c) Me



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In azure

Yacht, sake and uzi- summer time for my oc Rene xD I just wanted draw him in some different situation than usually (hehe:XD:) I still don't know what could be his favorite drink...

Used brushes kaiprincess.deviantart.com/art…

Rene (c) Me


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Primum non nocere

I had idea to add this text on his weapon... tfu!medical equipment I wanted say xD, but I hadn't occasion to show this, but finally it is^^

Oczywiście chodzi o to, żeby nie szkodzić Violentowi xD(gdyby czasem ktoś to źle zrozumiał ;p)

dr Violent (c) Me


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Nights medicine

Rene and dr Violent try some game again:giggle: Don't be worry about Rene, he can take back control, whenever he want, so Violent it's both exited and scary.


Eh, wymyśliłam im naprawdę skomplikowane relacje... (i historię, która zwie się Mafia soliders); dość powiedzieć, że aby wszystko dokładnie wyjaśnić trzeba by się cofnąć jakieś 50 lat przed narodziny Rene (czyli 40 zanim urodził się Violent) i opisać zasady panujące w ich świecie D:

Other arts with them


Violent and Rene (c) me


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Don't want Don't stop

Comment tomorrow (well, for really today, but around 10h leter...) I go to sleep. Good night.
Karaluchy pod poduchy i tak dalej...


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Adopts (once angain) 200-400points

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Adopts OPEN [5/8]

All adopts which I wanted to draw^^

1.Military angel SOLD for :iconvelfeariam:
2.Oni mask gilr- 200:points:/2$ retained for :iconoggo171:
3.Perfect Marriege- 200:points:/2$
4.Death of Toys*(little kids&pets) SOLD for :iconmidmorningstar:
5.Angry as Hell Ninja- 300:points:/3$
6.Burned Girl- 200:points:/2$
7.Loli with Pet- 400:points:/4$
8.Weathergirl (Pogodynka;p)SOLD for :iconcreativerebel:

-It will be sell for someone who will give first comment/note, that he want buy
-after my answer you can sent me points or money (I'll give you my paypal)
After buy:
-after purchase, you adopt it as your own OC and you can modify the design, or even gender;
-I'll sent you full size picture
-please don't claim original design as yours nor use it for commercial purposes;
-you can post your adopted character on your website or wherever you want;

I hope that somebody like them^^



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